Kapaa High SCC c/o Kapaa High Principal, 4695 Mailihuna Rd. Kapaa, HI 96746 | email: kapaahighscc@gmail.com

Monday, February 21, 2011

March Agenda 3.22.2011

Kapaa High SCC 2010-11 Regular Meeting Agenda

Tuesday, March 22, 2011.

5:30pm – 6:30 pm,

KHS Library

  1. Call to Order: Time:__________
  2. Review / Approval of unapproved minutes: Jan. & Feb.
  3. Principal’s Update
  4. Task List
    1. Q3 expenditure review, planning.
    2. Open Council seats, SY2011-12 SCC representation.
    3. SCC Secure Files, Passwords, etc.
    4. Process for Public Testimony.
  5. Evaluation of Meeting:
  6. Announcements: Recent events: Q3 ended, Spring Break, Senior Projects, Collaboration Day.
  7. Upcoming Milestones & Events:
    • PTSA April Mtg. Mon April 18.
    • Senior Project Presentation Day Wed, April 20
    • No School Good Friday - April 22
    • Next SCC Meeting: Tuesday April 26

8. Adjourn: Time ___________

Public Testimony is welcome at Regular School Community Council Meetings. Persons giving verbal testimony are limited to 3 minutes each, and are asked to arrive about 15 minutes before the start of the meeting to sign in. A written version of your testimony is also requested. Please provide your full name, and legal address on your written testimony. The regular meeting begins after public testimony.

Written testimony can also be mailed or email to the Kapaa High SCC: kapaahighscc@gmail.com or Kapaa HS SCC C/O Kapaa High Principal, 4695 Mailihuna Rd, Kapaa, HI 96746.

Persons requiring special assistance or services, such as a sign language interpreter, should call Hawaii Interpreting Services, at 394-7706 at least three business days before the meeting.

Schedule of Regular Meetings (Remaining) for SY 2010-11

  • Tue 03-22-2011 KHS Library, 5:30 pm
  • Tue 04-26-2011 KHS Library, 5:30 pm
  • Tue 05-24-2011 Room 2/3-Community Conference Room, Student Center, 5:30 pm
  • Tue 06-21-2011 Room 2/3-Community Conference Room, Student Center, 5:30 pm

*dates subject to change.

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