Kapaa High SCC c/o Kapaa High Principal, 4695 Mailihuna Rd. Kapaa, HI 96746 | email: kapaahighscc@gmail.com

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Quorum for Today's Meeting

Based on confirmations over the last 2 weeks, we should have quorum for today's meeting, should there be a need to vote on anything.

Robert Perdue, Parent rep, has confirmed attendance which covers for my probably absence.

Here's who has confirmed:
Mr. Hamada,
Mrs. Pemberton
Mrs Gowan
Mr. Perdue
Mr. Ho
Mr. Shiramizu


Today's Meeting

Aloha Council Members,
Today is our January SCC Meeting.

Janis Gowan will be sitting in for me today as I am on the mend physically still.
I should be fine to attend the February Meeting which is planned for Feb 15th- if we get "back on track".
The agenda is on this blog - two posts down.

The agenda is light at this time in the year with the AcFin on file, and elections not until March.
Regular business:
Our last meeting was the Community meeting. The agenda for that meeting (signed by the Secretary) serves as the official minutes for that meeting and does not require approval- so that agenda item is n/a.

This may seem premature, but based on experience, it is probably a good time to bring it up.

Please start thinking about if and how you would like to continue your participation on the SCC.
If you have never served as an officer- you may want to consider stepping up.
We still have not officially filled the Secretary position at this time - for instance.

This topic/task item will be on an upcoming agenda as part of the end of year transition/ S.O.P..

Mahalo for your support and service to Kapaa High School,
Margaret Goode
SCC Chair

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

January Meeting New Date Tuesday Jan 25th, 2011

Council members please confirm your attendance or engage your alternates where possible.

I look forward to seeing you all!

Margaret Goode,
SCC Chair

January Agenda 01.25.11

Tuesday, January 25th, 2011.

5:30pm – 6:300 pm,

KHS Student Center Conference Room

  1. Call to Order: Time:__________
  2. Review / Approval of unapproved minutes
  3. Principal’s Update
  4. Review Task List: (old & new business)
  5. Evaluation of Meeting:
  6. Announcements:
    1. Next Meetings: TBD
    2. Events:
  7. Adjourn: Time ___________

Public Testimony is welcome at Regular School Community Council Meetings. Walk-ins welcome on a limited basis. To reserve time (limited to 5 minutes), please contact the SCC Chairperson at least 6 days before the meeting. The chairperson is required to submit a final agenda to the State Documents Online portal not less than 6 days prior to any SCC meeting. As a courtesy to the chair, the cut-off for accommodating reservations for public testimony at the upcoming meeting is noon 6 days prior to the meeting date. Again, walk-ins welcome.

Persons requiring special assistance or services, such as a sign language interpreter, should call Hawaii Interpreting Services, at 394-7706 at least three business days before the meeting.

Schedule of Regular Meetings for SY 2010-11

Tue 11-16-2010

Tue 12-14-2010

Tue 01-11-2011

Tue 02-15-2011

Tue 03-15-2011

Tue 04-19-2011

Tue 05-17-2011

Tue 06-21-2011

*dates subject to change.

Monday, January 10, 2011

January SCC Meeting Rescheduled


Mahalo SCC members for your replies.

Based on your availability, the SCC Meeting has been rescheduled for January 25th.
Please note it on your calendars, and confirm your attendance at your earliest convenience.

A revised agenda will be posted to the School Documents Online (SDO) portal.

Margaret Goode

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Reschedule to the 18th or 25th?

Anyone have a preference for rescheduling?

Tuesday the 18th or Tuesday the 25th?

Please reply ASAP.


January 11th Meeting to be rescheduled

Aloha members,

The January 11th meeting needs to be rescheduled.
Please stay tuned.

Mr. Hamada, please let us know an alternate date for the January meeting!

Mahalo :)

Aloha and Happy New Year

Aloha SCC members,

Happy New Year, and welcome to second semester.

The January regular meeting agenda, just posted, has been uploaded to the SDO portal.

Please confirm your attendance: please click here to confirm via email, or call or text my cell.

If you will be unable to attend, please let me know and confer with your alternate ASAP so we can proceed with a quorum. Mahalo.

I look forward to seeing you all next Tuesday!

Margaret Goode
SCC Chair

January Agenda 01.11.11

Tuesday, January 11th, 2011.

5:30pm – 6:300 pm,

KHS Student Center Conference Room

  1. Call to Order: Time:__________
  2. Review / Approval of unapproved minutes
  3. Principal’s Update
  4. Review Task List: (old & new business)
  5. Evaluation of Meeting:
  6. Announcements:
    1. Next Meetings: Tuesday, February 15th, 2011, 5:30pm, Student Center Conference Room
    2. Events:
  7. Adjourn: Time ___________

Public Testimony is welcome at Regular School Community Council Meetings. Walk-ins welcome on a limited basis. To reserve time (limited to 5 minutes), please contact the SCC Chairperson at least 6 days before the meeting. The chairperson is required to submit a final agenda to the State Documents Online portal not less than 6 days prior to any SCC meeting. As a courtesy to the chair, the cut-off for accommodating reservations for public testimony at the upcoming meeting is noon 6 days prior to the meeting date. Again, walk-ins welcome.

Persons requiring special assistance or services, such as a sign language interpreter, should call Hawaii Interpreting Services, at 394-7706 at least three business days before the meeting.

Schedule of Regular Meetings for SY 2010-11

Tue 11-16-2010

Tue 12-14-2010

Tue 01-11-2011

Tue 02-15-2011

Tue 03-15-2011

Tue 04-19-2011

Tue 05-17-2011

Tue 06-21-2011

*dates subject to change.