Kapaa High SCC c/o Kapaa High Principal, 4695 Mailihuna Rd. Kapaa, HI 96746 | email: kapaahighscc@gmail.com

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Academic Plan Posted

A copy of the Academic Plan ahs been added to this blog.
It is not in it's original format.
To access a copy in it's original format, an official copy of the plan is available on the

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Agenda: June Meeting Agenda posted to the SDO Portal

Aloha Council Members,
The June agenda has been posted to the SDO.
If you have any corrections or additions to the agenda, please let me know by June 14th, end of business.
This is the last day edits can be made to this agenda filed on the SDO portal.
Please confirm your attendance via email, voice or text.
Mahalo, Margaret, SCC Chair

DRAFT: June Agenda 21-JUNE-2011

Meeting Agenda

Agenda for Kapaa High School Community Council

Purpose: June Meeting Tuesday 21-JUN-2011, 5:30-6:30, Student Cntr Conf. Rm.

  1. Call to Order:
    1. Date:
    2. Time:
    3. By:
  1. Approve Minutes of Meeting of (Date)
  2. Committee Reports: N/A
  3. Special Committees: End of Year Briefing from Kapaa HS PTSA President, Robert Perdue
  4. Unfinished Business:
    1. Final Call for Nominations/Recommendations for New Council members.
  5. Agenda calendar items – May/June:
    1. SCC Survey of Principal to be completed collaboratively by all SCC members and submitted to the CAS.
    2. SCC to complete the SCC Self Assessment and provide a copy to CAS.
    3. SCC Complex Area Conference or Complex Articulation.
    4. Complete SCC Implementation Status Report and submit to the CAS.
    5. Monitor SCC Budget Expenditure Plan (Q4 -Encumber funds by June 30).
  1. New Business:
    1. End of Year review: SCC Web Resources & Required Docs.

i. DOE Portal Uploads.

ii. School Website postings, SCC blog & pages.

iii. Usernames, passwords for online accounts, etc.

iv. Administrative fixtures /property and related keys.

v. Reminder: Update Roster and SCC Council Members Online Listing.

    1. Set date of first SCC meeting for SY 2011-12.
  1. Announcements:
    1. Next meeting: Date, Time TBD.
    2. Events: Registration SY2011-12, Fall Orientation, First Day of School.
    3. Other meetings: PTSA 18-JUL-2011
  2. Evaluation of Meeting.
  3. Adjournment Time: __________________
  4. Recorder/Secretary’s signature________________and name(print)___________________

Public Testimony is welcome at Regular School Community Council Meetings. No appointment needed. Persons giving verbal testimony are limited to 3 minutes each, and are asked to arrive about 15 minutes before the start of the meeting to sign in. A written version of your testimony is also requested. Please provide your full name, and legal address on your written testimony. The SCC regular meeting begins after public testimony.

Written testimony can also be mailed or email to us where it will be received and recorded by the secretary, and read aloud to the council at the next regular meeting. Please send written correspondence to:

Kapaa HS SCC

c/o Kapaa High Principal

4695 Mailihuna Rd

Kapaa, HI 96746

Persons requiring special assistance or services, such as a sign language interpreter, should call Hawaii Interpreting Services, at 394-7706 at least three business days before the meeting.

The New State of Hawaii, DOE Strategic Plan 2011-2018

Kind of big news for us around here.
Call us education geeks, we don't mind. it's a moniker we wear proudly.

From the DOE web site:

Originally developed in late 1999 and refreshed most recently for the 2011-2018 timeframe, thecover of the strategic plan document Strategic Plan lists the events, actors, and timetable needed to

  • Assure all students graduate college- and career-ready through effective use of standards-based education;
  • Ensure and sustain a rich environment and culture for life-long learners; and
  • Continuously improve the effectiveness, efficiency, and responsiveness of the educational system.

....Our standards set the course, while students, families, and community fill the sails with expectation as we voyage with the treasure of bright, young minds ready to lead the way to the future.

Margaret Goode
SCC Chair

Agenda: May Meeting Agenda posted to the SDO Portal

Aloha Council Members,
The May agenda has been posted to the SDO.
Mahalo, Margaret, SCC Chair