Kapaa High School - School Community Council is a forum for exchanging ideas about how to improve student achievement among the school’s stakeholders: principals, teachers, school staff, parents, students, and community members. Public testimony is welcome at regular council meetings. Persons requiring special assistance or services, such as a sign language interpreter, should call Hawaii Interpreting Services, at 394-7706 at least three business days before the meeting.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
November Minutes - Unapproved
Kapa’a High School Community Council Meeting
November 15, 2010
Kapa’a High School SAC Room
4695 Mailihuna Rd.
Kapa’a, HI 96746
5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Called to order: 5:35
Present: Daniel Hamada – Principal
Robert Perdue – parent rep.
Margaret Goode – chair
Ray Ho – community rep.
Janis Gowan – vice chair
Jamie Nani Brun - student rep.
Matt Higa – community rep.
Beth Pemberton
Minutes from October 19, 2010 – Reviewed and Approved
Unfinished Business: Minutes from August 2010 Reviewed and Approved
(did not have quorum last meeting)
New Business:
1. Amendment to the Academic Financial plan due to adjustments in the budget for
Title I funding. Budget cut. Changed from half Title I Coordinator and half
Reading Specialist to full time Reading Specialist. Adjusted amounts for
Professional Development and Parents Involvement. See revised AcFin.
· Motion made by Ray Ho to accept amendments.
· Seconded by Beth Pemberton
2. New schedule for SCC meetings
· Change meeting times to evenings – 2nd Tuesday of the month at 5:30 p.m. in the SAC room.
· See on-line calendar for future dates.
3. Principal’s Update
- We need to horror the goals set for this school year while working on next year’s draft.
- Would like to narrow the number of goals
- Will present to staff at Wednesday’s faculty meeting and to the PTSA tonight at their meeting
- A draft will be posted on-line as soon as complete – though it will still be a work in progress
- Kapa’a High School’s new goal is that 95% of all students will be proficient.
4. Community Meeting
- What data do we want to share with the community to make our needs more clear?
- Form a sub-committee to pull together an annual report/talking points
- mission / vision
- demographics - # of staff, # of HQ – acreage – budget
- Performance data - graduation rate
- What’s new - S.L.C.s – Step-Up diploma
- Reduce the AcFin to a manageable one page
- Post flyers – Public Radio/ Matt – Garden Island Calendar – On-line calendar – advertise as come and meet the new principal.
- Combine meeting with PTSA – Monday, December 12, 2010, at 6:00 pm in the library
5. Parent Night tomorrow for registration – 10th, 11th, and 12th grades. In the library,
6:00 to 8:00 pm.
6. Next meeting December 13, 2010 – after Community Meeting
Meeting adjourned: 6:30 pm
Prepared by: Janis Gowan
Saturday, November 13, 2010
October Minutes 10.19.10 - Unapproved
Daniel Hamada, principal
Margaret Goode, chair
Ray Ho, community rep.
Matt Higa, comm. Rep
Janis Gowan, faculty rep
Todd Harrison, secretary
Beth Pemberton
August 17 minutes reviewed.
KHS challenges: Todd H.
Bell schedule, inclusion, literacy and rigor
Mr. Hamada: urgency of changes coming into play in the future. Mr. Hamada is excited because he helped put together the 5 pillars for supporting schools and now being at the school level to implement the plan. KHS is in a prime situation to move forward as a school in all aspects
Common core state standards timeline
Hawaii's 5 pillars
Board Policy 4540 for class of 2018
Task list
$200 surplus from last year and no expenditures for this year. Would be nice to have monies available for events like the upcoming B.O.E meeting at KHS on November 4th. New Hope has offered chairs.
No September meeting
No quorum today
Margaret Goode stepping down as PCNC and as an employee of KHS after this week.
Proposal to change meeting time to 6pm in the future, and possibly the day too (second Tuesday of the month)
November meeting set for the 9th @ 6pm.
Community meeting #1 Monday, Nov. 15 w/ PTSA in library @ 6:30pm.
Title I Updates for Academic and Financial Plan
$145142 in Title I money far less than last year
Now full time Title I Coordinator
Reading Specialist now WSF
Since we are now a school in status we need to spend 10% on professional development $14515
Exploring a BLOG as a communication and operation tool for SCC
Hard copy for Chair and Secretary
Agendas, minutes, documents for review posted to advanced review (save trees)
Link to to State Documents Online For minutes ( required)
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
November Meeting Rescheduled - Quorum Confirmed
Mahalo to all council members.
Quorum for the November meeting has been confirmed.
Thank you for your support and cooperation.
Those who have committed to attending, if your ability to attend changes, please notify the chair M. Goode via email or call her, using the cell number listed on the official 2010-11 roster, ASAP.
Mahalo for your consideration of your fellow members and the integrity of SCC procedures.
M. Goode
Chair, 2010-11
November Agenda 11.15.10
SCC Regular Meeting Agenda
Monday, November 15th, 2010.
5:30pm – 6:30 pm, KHS Student Center Conference Room
- Call to Order: Time:__________
- Review / Approval of August Minutes
- Principal’s Update
- Review Task List: See attached.
- Evaluation of Meeting:
- Announcements:
- Next Regular Meeting (pending council approval): Tuesday, December 14th, 2010
- Service Anniversaries, New Faculty/Staff?
- Events:
- Adjourn: Time ___________
Public Testimony is welcome at Regular School Community Council Meetings. Walk-ins welcome on a limited basis. To reserve time (limited to 5 minutes), please contact the SCC Chairperson at least 6 days before the meeting. The chairperson is required to submit a final agenda to the State Documents Online portal not less than 6 days prior to any SCC meeting. As a courtesy to the chair, the cut-off for accommodating reservations for public testimony at the upcoming meeting is noon 6 days prior to the meeting date. Again, walk-ins welcome.
Persons requiring special assistance or services, such as a sign language interpreter, should call Hawaii Interpreting Services, at 394-7706 at least three business days before the meeting.
Schedule of Regular Meetings for SY 2010-11 *
Tue 11-16-2010
Tue 12-14-2010
Tue 01-11-2011
Tue 02-15-2011
Tue 03-15-2011
Tue 04-19-2011
Tue 05-17-2011
Tue 06-21-2011
*Approval pending. Dates subject to change.
Monday, November 8, 2010
November 11.09.10 Meeting Postponed
For the record, the meeting scheduled for Tuesday Nov. 9th has been canceled and will be rescheduled shortly.
Margaret Goode
SCC Chairperson
Monday, November 1, 2010
November Agenda 11.09.10
SCC Regular Meeting Agenda
- Call to Order: Time:__________
- Review / Approval of August Minutes
- Principal’s Update
- Review Task List: See attached.
- Evaluation of Meeting:
- Announcements:
- Next Regular Meeting (pending council approval): Tuesday, December 14th, 2010
- Service Anniversaries, New Faculty/Staff?
- Events:
- Adjourn: Time ___________
Persons requiring special assistance or services, such as a sign language interpreter, should call Hawaii Interpreting Services, at 394-7706 at least three business days before the meeting.
Schedule of Regular Meetings for SY 2010-11 *
· Update SCC Member Roster: Name, Address, Phone, identify Officers.
· Set dates for the School Community Meetings #1 and #2.
· Recheck:
o Principal reviews and prepares school data for presentation to school staff.
o Principal presents school data to school staff and Academic & Financial Plan (AFP) work groups begin analysis of the data.
· Determine process for public testimony on SCC agenda items and ensure that this opportunity is part of every SCC meeting agenda.
· SCC reviews SCC Self Assessment: Awaiting copy from SCC office.
· Conduct SCC meeting to review the school data in preparation for Community Meeting #1.
· AFP work groups provide data conclusions to the school faculty.
· Conduct School Community Meeting #1 to share school/student performance data and provide an opportunity for collaborative public input to school improvement priorities.
· Principal shares the results of the Community Meeting with the staff and for the AFP work groups.
· Conduct SCC meeting to review the 1) results of the Community Meeting and 2) the data conclusions from the AFP work groups.
· AFP work groups provide the School Leadership Team the recommendations to address the conclusions from the data analysis. The principal and the School Leadership Team work to develop the AFP.
· Begin work on SCC Waiver/Exception Requests for non-instructional days that impact the school calendar and other requests that require timely attention/follow-up. Due 2nd Friday in December.
· Begin discussion to identify four (4) PC and two (2) Waiver Day dates and activities for next school year.