Kapaa High SCC c/o Kapaa High Principal, 4695 Mailihuna Rd. Kapaa, HI 96746 | email: kapaahighscc@gmail.com


In Session Laws of Hawaii (SLH) 2004, the Legislature passed Act 51 as amended by Act 221. This law established School Community Councils (SCC) for Hawaii’s schools. The new law improved the way the state’s single school system is organized, particularly by allowing for more educational decision making at the school level and thereby increasing the involvement of those directly affected by the decisions.

The expectations of School Community Councils are increased accountability, school improvement and student achievement. A matrix of Act 51/221 requirements may be found in Section 6. This same act put in place a part-time Parent Community Networking Center Coordinator at every school and a 12 - month Students Activities Coordinator at every high school.